Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 2 Newsletter

Dec 2 Newsletter

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 10th weekly news

Nov 10 Newsletter

Friday, November 4, 2011

community helpers

We have enjoyed learning about safety from some community helpers in the past couple of weeks.  A few weeks ago we had the Grover Fire Department come to visit and teach us about fire safety and we were able to participate in the smoke house.

Each week we have a lady from the Hospital come and teach us about safety tips.  Each week there is a different theme.  We have talked about the importance of buckling up, spiders, and traffic laws.  Today we had some rescue workers come visit.  Cody was picked to ride in the stretcher.  We all were able to get in the back of the ambulance.  We learned about the special equipment and things they do as they transport people to the hospital. 

November 4th news

Nov 4 Newsletter

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 28th Newsletter

Oct 28 Newsletter

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We had a wonderful Friday celebrating Halloween fun!  We enjoyed reading books, telling spooky stories, eating candy and snacks, and wrapping our friends up like a mummy!
Thank you parents for sending in the goodies! 
Can't wait to hear about Trick-or-Treating! 
Have fun and be safe!
Enjoy the Halloween slide show!
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch!

We had a blast at the pumpkin patch!  We enjoyed playing, eating a picnic lunch, riding on the hayride, and picking out our own pumpkin!

The slides were one of our favorite things!

Matching cowboy boots!

Jacobi and his mom!


Miss Mariah, our intern, joined us too!

The bus ride home was very quiet!  We enjoyed a nap on our way back to school!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 14th Newsletter

Oct 14 Newsletter

Sunday, October 9, 2011

pj's and pancakes

We enjoyed wearing our PJ's to school on Thursday. 
We read If You Give a Pig a Pancake and then made our own pigs and then Ms. Brown made us very yummy pancakes! 

If you give 19 Kindergartners pancakes...they are going to want more!!!!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 7th newsletter

Oct 7 Newsletter

Friday, September 30, 2011

Apples, Apples, Apples

We enjoyed learning about apples this week.  We read books about apples and how they grow, learned math with apples, and really enjoyed our apple tasting party!  Thank you so much for sending in all the apple snacks.  We enjoyed everything!

Hope you are enjoying the long weekend!  See you Monday! 
Be looking for the weekly newsletter soon!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weekly news!

9 23 Newsletter

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 16th Newsletter

9 16 Newsletter

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

brownie points

We have been working since the first day of school on being the best class at Grover Elementary!  I think it is important for the class to know that we are a team and we work together.  I try to use things in my classroom to motivate each child to do the right thing. 
I started using Brownie Points last year with my Kindergarteners and I found it to be successful.  I introduced the Brownie Points to my class the first day of school and we have been working every day to get our pan filled up!  The class as a whole earns brownies by getting compliments for great behavior from other teachers (or the principal), working together as a team on assignments, hard work from everyone during learning time, or getting a good report from special classes like art or music. 
When we fill up our brownie pan, which we just did TODAY, we get a class reward. 

I came up with some simple and inexpensive rewards that I knew my class would enjoy.  Some ideas are: lunch with the principal, lunch with the assistant principal, special snack, no homework, extra recess, popcorn party, suckers, bubble gum, hat day, and afternoon movie.  Each reward is on a slip of paper in a mystery envelope.  I let one child pull a slip out, and that is the class reward. 
Tomorrow is Hat Day!  I am excited to celebrate great behavior tomorrow!
Thank you for helping me reinforce positive behavior!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

what we are learning in math

The past few weeks we have been busy learning the classroom rules and procedures.  It is so important for us to learn what is expected at school so that we can have fun and learn a lot and be ready for First grade in a couple of months!

Along with rules and procedures we are learning important things in math.  Be sure to ask your child every night what they learned at school!

We have been learning about sorting.  There are 3 ways we have talked about; color, size, and shape.  Everyone is picking up on this important math skill.  
Let your child practice sorting anything at home.  They can sort shoes, buttons, and toys. 
Let them show you how smart they already are!!!!

Here are some pictures of our class sorting and working together as a team!