Wednesday, September 14, 2011

brownie points

We have been working since the first day of school on being the best class at Grover Elementary!  I think it is important for the class to know that we are a team and we work together.  I try to use things in my classroom to motivate each child to do the right thing. 
I started using Brownie Points last year with my Kindergarteners and I found it to be successful.  I introduced the Brownie Points to my class the first day of school and we have been working every day to get our pan filled up!  The class as a whole earns brownies by getting compliments for great behavior from other teachers (or the principal), working together as a team on assignments, hard work from everyone during learning time, or getting a good report from special classes like art or music. 
When we fill up our brownie pan, which we just did TODAY, we get a class reward. 

I came up with some simple and inexpensive rewards that I knew my class would enjoy.  Some ideas are: lunch with the principal, lunch with the assistant principal, special snack, no homework, extra recess, popcorn party, suckers, bubble gum, hat day, and afternoon movie.  Each reward is on a slip of paper in a mystery envelope.  I let one child pull a slip out, and that is the class reward. 
Tomorrow is Hat Day!  I am excited to celebrate great behavior tomorrow!
Thank you for helping me reinforce positive behavior!!!

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