Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Listeners

Listening is a very important part of Kindergarten.  There are so many new things going on in the classroom and sometimes it is hard for to focus and listen to the teacher. 
This is something that I have really been discussing with the students the past couple of days. 

We talked about what each body part should do and look like when we are listening and learning.
Please discuss these with your child each day.  It is important for the students to make sure their whole body is being a good listener so we can be the best and learn the most!

I have been proud of the class for practicing being good listeners and the participation that they have shown these first few days of school.
Keep encouraging your children!  I am excited about the great start.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What Kindergarten Teachers Wish Parents Knew

I stumbled across this article today.  I know for many of you that this is your first year having a student in Kindergarten. 
Kindergarten has changed a lot in the last several years. 
Thought you might be interested in this article!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

2nd First Day of School

Today was the 1st day of school for the second half of our Kindergarten Rock Stars!  We have had another wonderful day.  It was a little smaller group today.  We spent the morning going over rules and procedures for the bathroom, classroom, lunch, and walking to and from different places.  Please discuss these rules and procedures every day, especially these first few weeks of school.  It is important that your child knows these for us to have an awesome year!
This afternoon we went on our Brown Bear scavenger hunt.  It was exciting to see all the special area classrooms.  We had fun playing outside with the other kindergarten classrooms.  We also had just enough time to enjoy reading, blocks, and play-doh centers.  
The students were very sweet today.  I had a couple tell me that I was their favorite teacher and some got really upset when I told them it was time to go home!  I am so glad they enjoyed their first day of Kindergarten.  

I am excited for our first full week of Kindergarten!  Monday all the Kindergartners will be back. 

Just a reminder that next week will start our colors unit.  Each day will be a different color.  I sent a note home of the dates but just in case you need a reminder...
Monday- Red or Yellow
Tuesday- Brown
Wednesday- Purple
Thursday- Blue or Green
Friday- Orange

Have a great weekend.  Enjoy the sunshine and rest up for another fun week in Kindergarten! 
Please email me if you have any questions!!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st day fun!

While the 1st group of Kinders are napping I decided it would be a good time to update the blog!  Today has been great!  We have enjoyed learning about Kindergarten and about Grover Elementary. 
This morning we went to computer lab and learned about the computers, and then we went on a scavenger hunt to tour the school.  We saw the lunch room, music, art, PE, library, and office.  I know the school looks so big to them, but after a few more weeks the students will know where everything is!
We enjoyed lunch, chicken poppers were a hit!
We have enjoyed reading Clifford's First Day of School and Kindergarten Rocks.  
We played in centers and played on the playgroud this afternoon.  
Now there is a much needed rest time.  It has been a busy day.  

Can't wait to see you all again Monday!  Have a good weekend! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome to Kindergarten!

I would like to welcome you all to Kindergarten!  We are going to have a great year.  Your child will learn so much and have a lot of fun as well. 
It was so great to meet each of you last night at Orientation.  I am excited to be working with you this year. 
I am looking forward to school starting on Thursday!  Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions that you may have!  My school email is lkbrown@clevelandcountyschool.org
Thank you for already sending school supplies!  Mrs. Green and I have enjoyed putting away the goodies and finishing some things around the classroom.
Enjoy your last days of summer!
See you Thursday or Friday!